Achieving Business Success and High Performance: Mindset vs Business EQ

Achieving Business Success and High Performance: Mindset vs Business EQ

In my experience, emotional intelligence and leadership go hand in hand. After studying peak performance, executive and leadership courses, methodologies of successful Leaders, C-Suite Executives, Managers, and Entrepreneurs there appeared to be a common trend. Those who achieved success in their Careers and Businesses learned how to combine EQ and IQ to become a successful business leader, execs, and managers.

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According to Gemma Leigh Roberts - Chartered Psychologist - LinkedIn Instructor, Emotional intelligence considered to be a highly coveted skill, is one of the top 10 job skills in 2020

“Emotional intelligence is one of the most in-demand skills in 2020. That means people with emotional intelligence, also known as EQ, are getting hired and promoted at a faster rate than others, according to data compiled from LinkedIn’s network of over 660+ million professionals and 20+ million jobs.  When your EQ is strong, you have the ability to leverage the information that you've interpreted to build strong relationships with others, no matter what situation you find yourself in.“

Emotional intelligence is twofold:

  1. Understanding your own emotions—what you feel and why you feel that way, and managing those emotions in different situations; and 

  2. Understanding the emotions of others—and being empathetic to other people's perspectives. 

It shows the value of emotional intelligence and leadership.

But what exactly is the link between emotional intelligence and leadership? How are you supposed to combine EQ and IQ to become a successful leader? 

Here's a guide that can help you find the answer to the link between emotional intelligence and leadership, and how it can help you become a successful business leader. 

According to Research states that Emotional Intelligence is responsible for 58% of your job performance and that 90% of top performers have a high EQ.

According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements and pillars to emotional iq:

* Self-awareness.

* Self-regulation.

* Motivation.

* Empathy.

* Social skills.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is being aware of your other people's emotions and being able to regulate and handle your own emotions

If you can regulate your emotions, you are more in control and have more sensitivity toward others. You understand how other people and can take appropriate action to respond to these people. 

In addition, emotional intelligence can help you adapt to certain situations, it can help you understand what someone is going through at work and how to de-escalate the situation. 

How Does Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Go Hand In Hand? 

Emotional intelligence and leadership go hand in hand because you can figure out how to motivate people. If you understand how people feel, you can be a leader for them. 

You can motivate them and help them figure out what they want. 

In addition, being a leader takes empathy, connecting with your audience where they are, at their current pain point. That means understanding what people are feeling emotionally. If you're someone who has self-awareness and personal awareness, you can help someone become more aware of how they are feeling. 

If you are a leader with emotional intelligence, it helps create a safer work environment. Employees feel more open to express themselves. They feel more comfortable working with other people instead of feeling judged. 

Another important thing to understand about intelligence and leadership is that when you have someone with both qualities, they understand the value of critique. 

They don't take offense to personal criticism. In fact, they welcome suggestions and advice on how a business can be run more efficiently.  

When leaders do not have emotional intelligence, they can create a hostile workplace and create a misaligned message with their audience. Employees are fearful of what to say in fear of being criticized. Business leaders create messaging which does not resonate with prospective prospect’s pain points.

With more fear in the workplace, employees are less productive and employees don't trust each other. Leaders who don't have emotional intelligence doesn't understand the emotions of others or what they are going through at work. 

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Why You Should Learn About Emotional Intelligence and Leadership?

Learning more about emotional intelligence and leadership can help you to understand more about:

  • The people you manage

  • Yourself

  • Your Team

  • Your prospects

  • Your external stakeholders

  • Your audience 

  • Managing your emotions

It can help you become more self-aware and more empathetic toward others, and in turn, truly create a connection to your audience if you are a Business Owner or Connect with your Team if you a Manager if you are a Leader, you will truly captivate your audience.

According to Talent Smart

“Emotional Intelligence is responsible for 58% of your job performance and that 90% of top performers have a high EQ.”

When you understand how people feel, what motivates them, what empowers them, you can take control as a leader. You have personal and social awareness that can help people. 

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