Easy to Implement - Digital Product Creation

How to create digital products so they can generate passive income?

Creating a digital product is not as difficult as you think and it can take a couple of hours to a couple of days.

Before we start, let me tell you that there are various ways how you can create an eBook. You can use services like Canva, Microsoft Word or Apple Pages and export your book in PDF format or use services such as LeanPub which will allow you to export your book in all formats (PDF, MOBI and EPUB). These formats are supported by all eBook readers and they allow the readers to read your book on any device even if they don’t have Kindle Reader installed on their devices.

To create a digital product, you need to:

  • Define the problem – ask yourself what is the purpose of your digital product. What are your goals?

  • Do you want to teach people something new?

  • Or maybe provide them with information about some specific topic?

  • Find the solution – after defining the problem, it will be easier for you to identify what solution would be best for your digital product.

  • Prepare the content – start writing and do not forget about proofreading!

  • Present your solution – no matter what type of digital product it is; make sure that everything looks professional and is branded

  • Create the digital product – if necessary, add images or graphics because they’re making things easier for people who don’t like reading long texts (especially on mobile devices)

  • Remember accessing the product and accessibility for your audience

  • Sell the digital product

  • There are many ways how you can sell digital products

It's easy to create a digital product.

Are you thinking about creating your own digital product but think that it might be too difficult for you?

What if I told you that it's actually quite simple to do, and something that anyone can do.

Some of the most popular digital products include ebooks, educational resources, software and music downloads. The reason why so many people prefer these types of products is that they are convenient and cost-effective.

There is a very low cost involved in producing a digital product since there are no costs for printing or shipping, and there is also no need for large amounts of storage space to store them. These products can also create an immediate income since customers receive them right away after placing their orders.

Let's get right into the details.

A digital product is just a piece of information packaged into a digital asset that can be shared and sold over the internet. You might think you don’t have any digital products in your arsenal at all, but I’m going to bet you’re wrong.

If you have a business blog or website, chances are good that you have something to sell. And if you have something to sell, then it’s likely that you also have some kind of blog posts or articles on your site (or somewhere else) that are in some way related to what it is you’re trying to sell.

When all is said and done, those pieces of content count as digital products! You probably already know how important content creation can be for driving traffic and sales.

Another thing we want to think about when creating our digital product is the value we want it to provide. There are several different ways we can approach this:

  • We can use our digital product(s) as promotional tools that help us promote our existing services or products (or even ourselves). For example: If you offer SEO service, maybe your digital product could be an ebook called β€œ10 Easy Ways To Quickly Improve Your Blog's SEO" as an example.

  • We could also use our digital products as tools for building an audience around whatever topic we choose - which would allow us to create a brand authority through consistent exposure over time (see point #4). As another example: Let's say photography is my passion - instead of selling my photos I could release one each month on my website with a note explaining what camera settings I used, the composition choices I made etc... This would allow me access to people who may not otherwise seek out photography tips from me because they wouldn't know where/how/if they could find me otherwise.

    With this method though they will always know exactly when/where they should go back each month if they want more free information

Make sure this product has market demand and there is audience who will be ready to pay for it.

There are a few ways to check the market demand for your product and whether there are people out there who will pay for it.

  • Google Trends: You can use Google trends to check how many people are searching for a specific keyword over time. If the trend is moving up, that means more and more people are looking for that keyword. If the trend is moving down, then fewer and fewer people are searching for it.

  • Google Keyword Planner: You can use Google Keyword Planner to find out how many searches there were in the past month (and on average) for a given keyword. You can also see if the search volume has been trending up or down in recent months or years.

  • Search Engine Results Page (SERP): How many websites come up when you search on Google? If you don't see lots of other sites coming up when you search, then it's probably not worth creating a digital product on that topic because there's not much competition!

Research the Digital Product Idea

Researching your digital product is a necessity, as it will give you an idea of the market and opportunities available to you. Researching these things before you create a product will help you formulate an idea of how popular the product is and whether there is competition around it. By researching keywords related to your topic of choice, you can find out what people are searching for in search engines.

To do this, use Google Keyword Planner (https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner). Simply enter in a few keywords that fit within your niche, and Google Keyword Planner will generate even more keywords for you based on those that you entered in. Importantly, this tool also shows keyword statistics such as monthly searches and competition level.

Look for keywords with high search volume (i.e., at least 1,000 searches per month) but low competition level (i.e., "low" or "medium"). These are good keywords to focus on as they have sufficient search traffic but not too much competition yet!

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Get started with creating your first digital product today

Now that you know what a digital product is, it’s time to get started. Here are 7 easy steps to follow when creating your first digital product:

  • Make sure you have a good idea for a digital product. Something that will sell and add value to the people you’re marketing it to.

  • Do your research and due diligence to see if there’s actually a market or need for this product. If not, back to the drawing board!

  • Create a prototype of your digital product. This doesn’t have to be perfectβ€”it can even just be a rough draft or outline of what it is you want your final product to look like.

  • Test this prototype out on your audience (friends, family, significant others). Get their honest feedback and use it as constructive criticism in order to determine what you want your final productβ€”or next prototypeβ€”to look like.

  • Create the final product! It can take some time so remember not to rush through any steps and make sure everything is polished before moving on!

  • Now that you have the finished product, launch it by advertising/marketing however you would like, whether through social media platforms or word of mouth.

  • Make sales! Remember every sale counts no matter how big or small. Keep up with these steps until you become an expert at creating digital products!

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