The Dangers of Social Media Comparison: Tips to Protect Your Wellbeing πŸ’‘

Over the years, there has been a predominant trend with especially in the creator space and those who work in the online space, whom are not feeling enough because of what they see others do (or perhaps perceived).

Social media can be a double-edged sword - on one hand, it can connect us with friends and family from all over the world, and allow us to showcase our life and work. On the other hand, it can also be a source of negativity and comparison. With the rise of social media, it's become increasingly easy to compare our lives to others and feel like we're not enough. This can trigger negative self-talk, impact our emotional wellbeing, and even lead to feelings of desperation and lack.

This triggers so much comparison, lack of self-worth, a them and us negative self talk, impacts the emotional and well-being system. If you're struggling with social media comparison, it's important to understand that what may look like success for someone else may not be what you desire for yourself. You may see someone boasting about their success, but they may not be disclosing the full story.

One of the things I ask clients is to understand that what may look like success for another may not be that desire for yourself. This may manifest or look like someone boasting and not disclosing the full story.

But when someone is feeling desperate and a lack, none of the this matters, others may have different advantages sociologically, athletically, aesthetically, they they may have access to different networks, budgets, visions, knowledge, skills, motivations, they may use tools like tech or automation, have different desires and support you get my point.

Comparing your life to someone else can be so harmful. I know people who have wanted to give up their business because of a fretful scroll.

When someone is feeling this way there is no logical or rational thinking. I remember this well after Covid it meant preserving energy and prioritising what I give my energy to. I simply could not operate the way I did before and achieve the results that I aspired to. For me it meant putting in place different systems, increased boundaries, declining things, services, declining, removing certain apps from personal devices.

If you are open to auto suggestion, constantly impacted by what others are doing saying and being, have a lack of self motivation, procrastinate to take action, fail to put in place any structure, do not take action and treat yourself as a second thought.

How can you expect to achieve results from a place of lack? Sometimes we do need to personally self reflect and exercise some tough love and self-critical feedback.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the comparison trap, you're not alone. People feel the pressure to keep up with others and not feeling like they measure up. It's important to remember that what may look like success for someone else may not be what you desire for yourself. Social media can be deceiving, and it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others without considering all the factors that go into their success.

The truth is, comparing your life to someone else's can be incredibly harmful. I've seen people who have wanted to give up their business because they felt like they weren't measuring up to others. When you're feeling this way, there's no logical or rational thinking. It's crucial to take a step back and prioritise your own wellbeing and happiness.

It's time to exercise some tough love and be self-critical. Ask yourself, how can you put in place protective daily practices to support your goals, be inspired by others, but not impact your self-worth?

Here are some of the things I did:

1️⃣ Separate my personal and business daily actions

2️⃣ Fill up my self-worth and self-love cup

3️⃣ Check my internal self-talk and ask questions

4️⃣ Lean into my intuition more

5️⃣ Stick to my boundaries

6️⃣ Release myself from places, spaces, people, and things that don't serve me

It's also important to check in with your well-being regularly. Ask yourself:

1️⃣ Have I done my self-care today?

2️⃣ Have I had too much screen time?

3️⃣ Have I hit my balance (i.e. have I had social time)?

4️⃣ How can I connect to things that impact my well-being (e.g. laughing, love, passion, dancing, exercise, spending time with loved ones)?

Remember, you're not responsible for others' responses, perceptions, or interpretations of your words. Business isn't for everyone, especially if you have to use social media to promote. There's no shame in getting support or a job to support low cash flow.

It's important to know that only you know what's important to you and how you're impacted by social media, lack of action, etc. Learn what works for you and make

I ask myself

How can I tap into well-being in my business?

Have I done my self-care today?

I have I had too much screen time?

Have I hit on my balance i.e. have I had social time?

How can I connect to things that impact my wellbeing like laughing, love, passion, dancing, exercise, or spending time with loved ones or a partner

Remember, we are not responsible for others' response, perception, or interpretation of our words.

Business is not for everyone, especially if you have to use social media to promote. Sometimes you may have to get support or a job to support low cash flow. There is no shame in this.

There is so much to know and learn from Infrastructure to Messaging, Managing your data, marketing, finance, legals, Customer lifetime value and so on

Only you know what is important to you, how you are impacted by social media, lack of action and so on. Learn what works for you, make yourself a priority.

Someone needs to hear this today, put yourself first ❀️