Essential Components Of A Successful Organic Digital Content Marketing Strategy

In 3 easy steps

Your lead-generating content marketing strategy needs to be well thought out. It needs to be adaptable and innovative in order to captivate your audience, motivate them to engage with you and if done correctly, enter your prospect into your buyer cycle.

There is a direct link to engaging, lead-generating content that converts into ou can’t just rush into it and expect to succeed. Here I share, the 3 most essential components of a successful organic content marketing strategy. 

  • Setting the right kind of goals

There are smart goals. And there are non-smart goals. Non-smart goals are those that don’t fit the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. What does that mean? for your goal to fit this criterion, it should meet the following: 

  • Your goal should be Specific / Significant - What action do wish for your visitors to take next with your content?

  • Your goal should be Measurable / Meaningful - How will you measure the engagement and are you setting Digital KPIs?

  • Your goal should be Achievable / Acceptable - Are your visitors or prospects able to action the strategies or steps that you highlight?

  • Your goal should be Realistic / Rewarding - Is the result/reward in line with your visitors/prospect's current level of pain/risk/reward knowledge of your brand or company?

  • Your goal should be Time-based / Tangible - What action do you intend for visitors to take, when/how? 

Having a SMART goal in place will help you achieve success much faster. You’re basically eliminating the fluff and focusing on what can help you accomplish your goals. You’d probably need to do some trial and error to find out what works best for your business, but you’d still be closer to your goals than if you decided to just ‘guess’.

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Building an audience magnetic persona

Not knowing who to create content for has caused many content marketing strategies and companies to fail at attracting leads online via content. Quality will always trump quantity anytime. And one of the best ways to guarantee quality is knowing who your audience is. Armed with this information, you can create the data-driven content that will appeal the most to them at various levels of the value journey.. 

It will be easier to present yourself as an authority because you identify so well with your audience’s needs and their pain points. Fail to create an audience persona though, and you could be wasting all your hard work for nothing. 

  • Creating valuable and shareable content

Of course, the last and most pertinent ingredient to a successful content marketing strategy is the content itself. When you create content that strikes a chord with your audience, then it will be so easy to persuade them to follow your call to action and take action.

Your audience will see you as an authority, a highly valued resource hence, it will be easier for prospects to join your mailing lists, signup for your content upgrades, classes, and paid offers. 

You will attract willing advocates, who are more likely to listen to your recommendations, providing opportunities to monetise your content by offering upgrades and value by inserting your own products or other brands’ products you’re affiliated with.

Looking for ways to create a Digital Marketing Strategy? check out our solutions here.